25 Apr 18|Innovation

In order to be effective and make a difference we need to discover what we need to have an effect on. In order to do that we need to have conversations so that we know we are solving the right problems.

Life is about relationships. Between families, colleagues, friends and also with the environment, products we buy and brands we love.

I’ve heard Scott Anthony speak several times now. It’s always new and fresh and thought provoking. And today was no different. His new book, Dual Transformation talks about how companies cannot afford to be stagnant. In fact, they should be advancing in two ways, repositioning in order to maximise resilience as well as creating a new growth engine, the ‘next best thing’, in their industry. To do this you need courage, clarity, curiosity and conviction. 

Jeff Wilson, or Professor Dumpster, had an ‘idea moment’ sitting in Starbucks one afternoon. He claims to have had an epiphany as it dawned on him that the ‘home’ was a ‘product’. Products iterate, they are manufactured, are designed with the end user in mind and are often attached to a brand. Traditionally homes are fixed, built, stand alone and are influenced by interior designers.

Kasita was born (eventually) and what began as a smelly dumpster experiment has morphed into a tiny house business that offers affordable housing. 

Emerson Smartz, CEO of DOSE and King of Viral, is social on steroids. His theory is not to spend time asking people what they think or want but rather testing them by using social media. Instead of the traditional one style of post or one video, you create multiple and see which styles lead to conversions. Sounds like a bit of a derrr moment when you read that…simple, ffective and cheap!

Todd Fruchterman is President and General Manager of 3M Critical and Chronic Care Solutions. He suggested that those who work in large companies in particular, challenge the status quo. I often suggest to clients that there isn’t one book that will ring 100% true for them. In order to find what may work they need to read wide and adopt what is appropriate to them. Todd believes the same about process – there is no one process that works all the time. And we can’t measure everything we do!

In order to live an effective life, we should ask ourselves. “Did I make a difference today?” In order to be effective and make a difference we need to discover what we need to have an effect on. In order to do that we need to have conversations so that we know we are solving the right problems.

Michael Fanuele, Founder of Talk Like Music, believes feeling is more powerful in marketing than information. Emotion moves people. And there is now a study that proves that simply by inspiring your employees, they deliver twice the energy. When telemarketers listened to Eye of the Tiger prior to taking calls, they closed more deals!

His tips for an ‘A’ report card are to be Ambitious, take Action, create a disorienting Atmosphere, show your customers some Affection and show up Authentically, everywhere and every day for everybody. 

I took notes and thought about all the relationships involved in actioning learnings from the last three days. I have an action list ready to start tomorrow while I wait at the airport to travel home to my relationships there, saddened at the relationships that I leave behind and heartened by the new relationships I’ve made. 

In order to be effective and make a difference we need to discover what we need to have an effect on. 

In order to be effective and make a difference we need to discover what we need to have an effect on. 

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